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Alexandre Tripodi is a Belgian violinist based in Brussells. He is connected to Tcha Limberger, one of the first guests on the podcast, Alexandre was taught in part by by Tcha and is now an integeral part of Tcha's band 'Les Violons de Bruxelles'. Alexandre also plays in Fapy Lafertin's newest quartet and with many other musicians all over the country and beyond. 

We caught up over a Facebook messenger call so we have some slight issues with latency, this causes a little bit of chatting over each other but other than that, this is a nice smooth interview. Alexandre is a loveley chap and we seem to have a few things in common in our musical background and our approach, this interview is full of nice ideas and helpul ways of looking at learning jazz. Hope you enjoy.


The intro music is a little jam that Alexandre recorded in his home studio


The outro music is 'Whisper Not' recorded by me and my band Latchepen

© 2023 by Matt Holborn.

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